The time a sensor takes to be detected on the dashboard can vary depending on what process it needs to go through.
When the sensor is powered, the first thing that runs is startup software that facilitates faster on-boarding, this is designated by a solid white LED. It uploads an AP scan while the main software is still starting up. On Ethernet the sensor should be detected on the dashboard within 30 seconds and about 40 seconds when only on mobile only.
In the case where the on-boarding software did not succeed, you will have to wait for the main software to run (designated by flashing white LED) before the sensor is detected. This will happen at about 2 min after powering up the sensor.
The time for the sensor to start testing an SSID varies from this point onward. If the sensor needs to update to the latest release, testing will start approximately 5 mins from powering up (if configured on the dashboard). On a bad mobile connection or if there are multiple releases (i.e. absolute worst case scenario) this time can be extended to 10-15 min.
βNote: If the LED color is orange then this means the sensor has no external connectivity. In other words it cannot access the backend over both ethernet and mobile.