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Incident Overview Card

AIOps Incident overview page details

Updated over a week ago

AIOps Incident Detection helps reduce alert fatigue on your UXI Dashboard. We are now improving the incident page with the all-new 'Overview' card. This card provides a detailed impact analysis of each incident on your sensors, groups, networks, and services.

If you are already using Incident Detection, navigate to an ongoing or resolved Incident to view this new feature.

How to navigate to the incident overview card:

The new incident overview card at the top will have 3 additional sections: Groups, Network, Service & Test

  1. Groups

    When you click on groups, on the left you will see a list of impacted groups or hierarchy nodes. Clicking on each group will show you related networks and services on the right hand side.

    Note: You will notice a checkbox to switch to a hierarchical view if you are testing the beta version of hierarchies on the dashboard.

  2. Networks

    This will list the affected networks on the left. Clicking on each network will display the related groups of sensors that are actively testing the network and also the related service tests that are enabled for this combination of groups and networks.

  3. Services & Tests

    The Services and Tests section will list all the services impacted by the incident. Clicking on each service will show the related groups and networks that have this application test enabled.

Improve Incident Detection for your account

Admin users can now vote thumbs up or thumbs down for each incident. This will tell us if the incident was relevant and useful to you.

Voting thumbs up indicates you want to see more of such incidents and voting thumbs down indicates that you would like to see fewer of such incidents moving forward.

Read-only users will not be able to use this voting functionality. The votes we receive from you will create direct feedback into our machine learning capabilities which will adapt to your preferences over time.

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