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UXI & GreenLake Cloud Platform
UXI & GreenLake Cloud Platform

Introducing User Experience Insight on the HPE Greenlake Cloud Platform.

Updated this week

What benefits will the GreenLake Cloud Platform provide?

The GreenLake Cloud Platform offers UXI a streamlined user experience and robust platform functionalities. This integration simplifies and aligns the UXI experience with other HPE products, marking a significant step forward in enhancing usability and functionality.

I already have a UXI dashboard account. When will my dashboard be migrated to GreenLake Cloud Platform?

We launched UXI on the GreenLake Cloud Platform with the intention that all new UXI dashboards will be created within GreenLake moving forward.

For existing UXI dashboards, we are developing comprehensive tools to seamlessly migrate your sensors, subscriptions, and users to the GreenLake Cloud Platform workspace while preserving your test results and configurations. These migration tools are expected to be available by late 1H CY 2024. Our goal is to have all UXI dashboards seamlessly integrated into the GreenLake Cloud Platform by 1H 2026, allowing ample time for transition at your convenience.

It’s important to note that each UXI dashboard can only be linked to one GreenLake Cloud Platform workspace. If you already have a UXI dashboard and create a new one on the GreenLake Cloud Platform, they cannot be combined later.

How does UXI on the GreenLake Cloud Platform change the UXI product architecture?

The UXI sensor and cloud will continue to operate the same way, managed by the UXI engineering team. The key change is that the GreenLake interface will now provide a unified experience for adding devices, users, subscriptions, and managing the login/launch of the UXI application.

I use Central On-Prem; do I still need a GreenLake Cloud Platform account and workspace?

Yes, UXI will remain a cloud product, so you will need to use the GreenLake Cloud Platform to manage sensors, users, and subscriptions, and to access UXI.

UXI is only for stand-alone workspaces. Can I add UXI to an MSP Mode workspace?

At this time, UXI is only for stand-alone workspaces. Updates for MSPs may be provided in the future.

Does UXI support GreenLake Zero Touch Onboarding?

Zero-Touch Onboarding automatically adds your purchased sensors and subscriptions to your workspace. However, UXI does not officially support Zero-Touch Onboarding yet. The current workflow requires you to add your sensors to the GreenLake Cloud Platform device inventory by specifying the sensor serial and Ethernet MAC address and adding your subscriptions manually.

For Zero-Touch Onboarding, we are working to understand and test with real customers to identify areas for improvement. Your account team will need to collaborate with GreenLake TAC to establish the necessary matching from purchase orders to workspaces.

Can I still create a new UXI dashboard outside of GLP?

Legacy dashboard creation can only be done via support request. Please also share the reason why you need a legacy account so we can understand the use case. Additionally, please note that eventually, you will need to transition to the GreenLake Cloud Platform.

Would a new UXI dashboard created in GLP support China?

Not at this time. A new dashboard for use in China would need to be requested via support.

Are there any sensor models that are not supported on GLP?

The vast majority of sensors are supported on GLP. However, a small subset of sensors manufactured before the HPE acquisition, labeled as "Cape Networks" instead of "HPE Aruba Networking" on the product label, and with sensor serial numbers that begin with superhero surnames, are not supported on GLP.

Is there any functionality that will be changed or deprecated with UXI on GLP?

  • SSO Configuration: SSO is now configured on GreenLake, not directly within UXI. SSO configuration will not be migrated to the GreenLake Cloud Platform, so it will need to be configured again.

  • Switch Accounts: The option to switch accounts is no longer available within the UXI application. Account switching will be managed within the GreenLake Cloud.

  • UXI Onboarding App: The UXI Onboarding app for onboarding physical sensors via Bluetooth is not yet available for GreenLake Cloud Platform dashboards. An update is in progress to accommodate logging in through GLP for the Android app.

  • Legacy Status API Beta: The legacy Status API Beta is not available on GreenLake Cloud. Currently, API requests are authenticated as users, with specific API users visible under the Teams page on your UXI dashboard. On the GreenLake Cloud Platform, user management will change, and you will manage your team members through GLP. The API authentication mechanism for applications will also change. We recommend migrating to webhooks or data push.

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